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Sergey Brutyan

Sergey Brutyan was born in the USSR, Moscow.


He graduated from the historical and philological faculty of the Indonesian branch of the Institute of Asia and Africa, and the Russian Academy of Advocacy.


He defended his Ph.D. thesis.


From 1982 to 1992 Mr. Brutyan carried out the scientific and legal activity in the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (now the Russian Federation) in the sphere of constitutional and, in recent years, civil law. 


During the period from 1988 till 1991 Sergey Brutyan taught courses "Introduction to Russian law. On current issues of restructuring" to German students. In 1992 Mr. Brutyan worked as a lawyer for some time in Clifford Chance English Law Firm.


Since 1992 Sergey Brutyan worked as the Director of Schulze Legal Advisory Firm and, since 1996 has become a founder and partner of the Firm.


At the present moment Brutyan Sergey is a member of the Board of Directors of Twin Cities International Association, an honorary lawyer of Russia and the owner of a silver medal named after F.N. Plevako. Mr. Brutyan is fluent in Russian, Armenian, German, English, Indonesian and Malay.


Up to 30 years old Sergey Brutyan was actively engaged in literary work. Since being 14 years old and up till now Sergey Brutyan is engaged in musical activity (the first singer of the rock band "Autograph", recognized as the best rock singer of the USSR in 1981).

Law firm "Schulze, Brutyan and Partners"

​JBK Schulze, Brutyan und Partner GmbH

 ООО "ЮКФ «Шульце, Брутян и Партнеры»

 ИНН (Tax ID): 7704117390

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